Quizical is an engaging and educational quiz app that provides an interactive way to challenge your knowledge on various topics. Whether you're looking for a fun way to pass the time or want to learn something new, Quizical has you covered.
Choose the number of multiple-choice questions you want to answer.
Select a quiz category from a wide range of topics.
Pick a difficulty level that suits your knowledge.
Receive instant feedback on your answers.
Launch the App: Open the Quizical app in your web browser.
Customize Your Quiz: Select the number, type, and difficulty level of questions.
Start the Quiz: Click the "Start Quiz" button to begin.
Answer Questions: Answer each multiple-choice question by selecting the correct option.
Get Feedback: Receive immediate feedback on your answer, including whether it's correct or not.
View Your Score: Keep track of your score as you progress through the quiz.
Finish the Quiz: Complete the quiz and see your final score.